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Casestudy: Scottish Borders Energy Centre
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About Scottish Borders Energy Centre

The Scottish borders Energy Centre is a 500MW / 1GWH (2 hour duration) Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) site located in Eccles, Coldstream , Scotland, UK.

This project will provide crucial services to the local electricity distribution network to ensure the supply of clean and cost effective electricity to the domestic , commercial and industrial users of the electricity network. As the UK shifts towards more renewable energy sources like Solar and Wind, BESS sites enable energy from renewables to be stored then released when the power is needed most.

The UK Government estimates that technologies like battery storage systems, supporting the integration of more low-carbon power and reducing the carbon and cost impact of running the electricity network, could save the UK energy system up to £40 billion by 2050 (Source: National Grid), ultimately reducing people’s energy bills.


Scottish Borders Energy Centre,
Land near Eccles Substation,
Eccles, Coldstream,
Scotland, United Kingdom TD12 4JD



Interactive Web View

Due to advancements in technology CADmando are now able to offer the opportunity to visualise projects like never before. We’ve taken our Virtual Reality experience of the Scottish Borders Energy Centre and put it on steroids! You can now walk around this proposed development and visualise the project in real world context from various viewpoints around the site. The topography of the site and surrounding Lidar data have all been taking into account. Existing vegetation has been remodelled to the best of our ability and proposed vegetation strategy is visualised at 10 years of growth.

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