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Leading Design services in the

Renewable and Energy Sector

BESS Designed
Total Solar Designed
Total Projects designed
Homes Powered

Planning Design Support

Whether its early feasibility design studies you need, initial site layouts for pre-app, full planning packages, visualisation services for public consultation or support with Photomontages, we’ve got you covered.

CADmando have accumulated a wealth of experience in the Renewables sector providing support for Utility Grid scale PV Solar, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) , Rooftop Solar, Wind [and more] for the planning phase of a project.

We have long standing relationships with developers all over the UK and parts of Europe acting as an integral Design Resource Partner throughout the planning phase.

We offer a truly flexible design service. It doesnt matter which stage of the design process you need support with our friendly and knowledgeable team are here to help. From early capacity test layouts, through to a fully coordinated design package for planning submission, you can rely on us to provide a pain free, efficiently designed package for your next Renewables project.

01. Feasibility Design / Capacity Layouts
A high level design on Google Earth mapping providing a rough calculation of Capacity that can be achieved on the land. Useful for making informed decisions about land take, optimal field usage and project feasibility prior to doing full design.
05. Full Planning Packages
The layout Design for the full planning submission will now have considered all external consultants feedback and been implemented into the final design. In addition to the site layout there are various other drawings that we would complete to supplement the full package. Namely; Existing Site Layout Plan, Proposed Site Layout Plan, Standard Equipment drawings (dimensioned elevations), Contextual Elevations (cross sections through the site) , Site Location Plan, Fire Strategy Plan (BESS only) etc.

01 . Feasibility Design / Capacity Layouts

Use case: PV Solar, BESS

Sector: Renewables

As a developer or landowner you may be at the very early stages of a project. You may or may not have a grid offer but either way you are eager to establish the capacity you can fit on the available space provided by the Landowner(s) for which you are in early discussions with.
A Feasibility Design or Capacity Test layout is a very high level design that we carry out on Google Earth mapping in order to establish what sort of capacity can be achieved on the available land allowing you to make informed decisions about the project viability.

02. Pre-app design

Use case: PV Solar, BESS, Wind

Sector: Renewables

Your project is ready to taken through to the next stage of planning. Grid offer in, capacity test layout confirms you can maximise the grid offer within the available land and all the legals are stacking up. The next stage is the pre-app. Cadmando will now undertake a more detailed design, taking into account constraints and inclusion of full site Infrastructure - Hopefully this balances out with right.
CADmando will now prepare your Site Layout plan and Site Location Plan needed for the pre-app. Using our extensive knowledge and experience we can design your BESS site in accordance with best practices (including latest NFCC Guidance for fire) Solar sites are created to best practices and optimised using the best panel spec available on the market.

03 . Coordination of Consultant comments

Use case: PV Solar, BESS, Wind

Sector: Renewables

Initial pre-app response is looking good. The local planning authority and public feedback seem receptive to your project. You are now ready to proceed to a full planning submission. At this stage you will liaise with various specialist consultants to get feedback on Flood risk, Fire, Transport, Ecology, Landscaping etc .
CADmando will work closely as part of the wider team engaged on the project to collate and integrate all consultant comments into the design the aim of which to provide a ‘planning ready’ Site Layout Plan cohesive with all design considerations fed back from the consultants whilst aiming to maintain the target capacity for the project.

04 . Civils (Cut and Fill Analysis)

Use case: BESS

Sector: Renewables

A proposed site layout plan is conceived initially without any topographical data on an assumed flat plain. At some point you (as a developer) would instruct a Topographical survey to be carried out on the land earmarked for the proposed development. The topo is required for a number of reasons but here we are focused on the land profile.
In most cases there will be an element of re-profiling needed for some or all of the land for a BESS Development. In extreme cases it may be evident that the land will need to be terraced. CADmando can create a balanced cut and fill analysis to establish what the new levels will be whilst ensuring no soil is imported or exported from the site.

05 . Full Planning Packages

Use case: PV Solar, BESS, Wind

Sector: : Renewables

At this stage the consultants comments will have by now all been collated by the developer and we will incorporate into the Layout Design. Once this has taken place the developer will sign off on the layout and submit for Planning Approval. The planning submission will require additional plans to assist with the planning process.
CADmando will produce additional drawings for the full planning submission such as an Existing Site Layout Plan, Cross sections through the site showing existing vs. proposed levels (BESS), cross sections through panels showing array heights, spacings and angle (PV Solar), and standard equipment drawings for all site infrastructure

06 . 3D Visualisation

Use case: PV Solar, BESS, Wind

Sector: Renewables

3D Visualisations are not a pre-requisite for planning, however for Utility Grid scale renewable projects they are becoming an increasingly useful tool for planning and public consultation to illustrate how the design is considerate to the existing landscape with respect to visual receptors and screening.
CADmando are able to model your project within existing land context using various design tools to help visualise the site from various viewpoints. We can also create 3D (drone style) flyovers for marketing purposes or contextual videos from a roadside or neighbouring property to help visualise the impact of the proposed development.

07 . Photomontages

Use case: PV Solar, BESS, Wind

Sector: Renewables

Simply put, a photomontage helps to visualise your project in context. A Photomontage is a visual tool which combines a photograph and a 3d model accurately representing what you would see of a proposed development from a chosen viewpoint. These are often used in a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) or as an aid to the planning process.
CADmando have a dedicated 3D department focussed on delivery of high quality Photomontages that rival the standard and quality of any providers in the market. We use leading techniques to ensure accurate representation of your site in terms of modelling, lighting and proposed vegetation. Typically each viewpoint will be represented as Existing, Year 1 and Year 15.

08 . Post Planning: Due Dilligence

Use case: PV Solar, BESS, Wind

Sector: Renewables

Some clients we work with are in the market for purchasing projects that have received planning permission that they are looking to construct themselves as a business. Due diligence is critical to sense check the layout to ensure that the capacity claimed in the approved design is achieved whilst maintaining best practices and standards.
CADmando are employed at this stage to either advise on the approved design and advise if there is anything obvious in the design which falls foul of best practices and design standards or to reproduce the layout from scratch to act as a comparison between the technology used in the approved design and the latest technology available in the market.

Renewables Services

Lets take a deeper dive into the services we provide within the Energy space

Utility Grid Scale PV Solar design

Providing a variety of design services to developers and planning consultants ranging from land registry compliant Legal plans to detailed Site Layout Plans for Utility Grid Scale Solar Developments

Commercial Rooftop Solar Design

Supporting developers with design support for large scale commercial rooftop solar applications using leading market software and design standards to produce planning ready packages for submission.

Utility Grid Scale BESS design

Supporting developers, leveraging our extensive technological knowledge to provide detailed design packages for large-scale Battery Energy Storage Projects across the UK & Europe

Why Choose Us?

What will you get if you choose us?

Experience & Knowledge

We are an established team, established in 2010 and with a wealth of experience in multiple design disciplines with a real strength of knowledge in the Renewables , BIM and 3D sector.

Attention to detail

Our experienced team values the importance of evaluating all aspects of the design to ensure we identify potential improvements, optimize designs and enhance overall efficiency of the design.

Strict Quality Practice

As designers, we understand the importance of having a second pair of eyes check over our work. We operate a strict QA procedure to deliver a ‘first time, correct’ approach for our clients.

Easy Communication

We recognise the importance of effective communication between remote teams. We tailor our communication to ensure that our interactions are as efficient and seamless as possible.

Want to discuss your next project?

Do you need help with your next design project? Looking for a design resource partner? Contact our friendly team & we'll discuss your next project in more detail before producing a competitive quote.